Lets all google bomb Greek police.
On your blogs and sites place a link to the Greek Police web site with anchor text "pigs murderers"
If enough links exist, when someone searches for "pigs murders" on Google, the greek police website will come up.
copy and paste the following line to your blog or site and forums:
pigs murderers
Πριν από 16 χρόνια
5 σχόλια:
malakia ekana pali e?
den peirazei kali kradia
vasika kati tetoio ithekes na kaneis :D Kali kardia afroditoula!
pigs murderers
boreis efkola na diorthoseis to post me to edit. Apla otan to vazeis ston editor metafrazei katefthian ta < kai >
Gia na to deixeis sto post prepei na to valeis ston editor os exis oste na min to kanei evaluate:
<a href="http://www.astynomia.gr">pigs murderers</a>
hmm malon to kanei evaluate katefthian kai sta comments....
To olo thema einai na valeis ston editor tou blogger ta adistoiha simvbola gia to < kai to > opote vres ta apo aftin tin selida
kai adikatestise ta sto post me tin adistoiheia tou stin stili HTML 4.0 entity
sto telos tou post to perigrafo:
ti sas exw kamei admins re? eprepe na gurisw egw na to ftiasw?
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